Home and Finishing Strong

This was quite a week, mostly because I must have caught strep while I was in Molino on exchanges last week. I was so sick that it knocked us out of the work until Thursday. That was an interesting experience for me. I remember wondering, “Why now? Why so close to the end would I be forced to stay inside for a few days?” This is the time that I want to be working hardest, so it just seemed ironic that I would get sick like that now of all times. That’s only the second time that I’ve been seriously sick on my mission, and so it just seemed like weird timing to me. I still haven’t thought of a good reason why it happened when it happened.

Elder Crocker waits for church not thinking about home

That’s me, waiting for the church to be opened on Sunday. We were a little bit early.

My Plan for Home

Perhaps the closest thing is this: I’ve still been avoiding thinking of home much. My objective is to finish strong and then worry about what’s happening when I get home, but so many people have been telling me that now is the time for me to start making some plans about home, from my mission president to my parents. The few days that I spent indoors were an opportunity for me to do that, I guess. The furthest I thought is just some things that I want to continue, such as regular gospel study and going to the temple every week which I did before my mission, and some other things that I don’t want to start again, like having a really irregular sleep schedule. The plan is good enough for me, so I’ve put it in the back of my mind and put my full focus back on missionary work.

Elder Crocker has been asked to make plans for home.

We were a little bit early.

Finishing Strong

After a few days of rest and popping some antibiotics, Elder Cabeza and I only had a few days to work. With that lack of days to work, we didn’t have much time to get lessons in. However, we just decided to budget out time well. The best example was Saturday, when in the time that we had to work we got 11 appointments, while on a normal good day we would have taught maybe 7 or 8 times. All of the appointments felt really good to me too. It was a good week once I recovered from my sickness.

Bash is guarding his home.  Elder Crocker is bewaring.

That’s just a dog that we saw, and the warning made us laugh. Beware of Bash.

Super Mario

Just recently a typhoon hit the Philippines. Here it’s called Typhoon Mario. It didn’t hit us very hard, but we got really wet when we went out to work. We ended up making jokes about Super Mario, “hopefully this doesn’t turn into a super typhoon, I’d hate to deal with Super Mario!” It was pretty corny.

There’s still a lot to do.

Until next week,

Elder Crocker

Philippines Cavite Mission

Elder Crocker finishing strong before returning home

Elder David Neal Crocker





A spider in Elder Crocker's home.

We found a giant spider in the house still alive. That’s Elder Faatoia’s sandal that it’s standing on. He killed it moments afterwards, which Elder Cabeza was very upset about. He wasn’t done playing with it.

A Few Questions and Answers:

Q:What will you leave behind when you pack?

A:It looks like I’m going to leave behind most of my clothes. They’ve gone through a mission, and I’m not going to want to keep wearing them when I come home.

Q:When is your last transfer (or when does Elder Cabeza get a new companion)?

A:I’ll be gone by the 6th of October for going-home activites, but transfer day isn’t until the 8th.

Q:What would you like to have waiting for you in the refrigerator and cupboards when you arrive home?

A:I would like some milk and chocolate milk mix. That is all.

Elder Crocker loves a glass of milk at home.

Milk will be waiting at home.

Elder Crocker loves chocolate milk.

This makes milk better!

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